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The team

Human is the IDCI consulting ADN. Based on the synergy and specialties of everyone, our team first work in a continuous improvment perspective of quality and methodologies.

More than a simple technical intervenant that will realise your project, we are involved from its conception to its maintenance through its infrastructure and by guiding you on the long term to make it evolve and always reach better performances.

Our consultants daily tax depends on their skills and their experiences. It include the advise you might get from all our team. The ADR is decreased by 20% when the consultant work in our site.

Gabriel Bondaz

Manager - Expert

Gabriel CV illustration

Attracted by new technologies since very young, I passionate about IT and more specifically Internet and Web thereafter. I made this passion my profession when entering the active life. My curiosity and taste of challenges I have to create the IDCI-Consulting company in end of 2007. The philosophy of "Open Source" make me a satisfied libriste. RFC 2616 has become my "holy book" and the number 42 is often a choice of response to the problems I get asked.

See the CV

Benjamin Boudier


Benjamin CV illustration

Enthusiastic about computers and new technologies, I'm curious and passionate about web culture and the freedom it represents. As a web developer, I'm passionate about this constantly evolving world. My expertise translates into the creation of innovative and functional solutions. My professional approach is based on a constant quest for improvement and learning, which enables me to take on exciting technical challenges. Both rigorous and versatile, I thrive on my work, helping to shape the user experience and enrich the digital ecosystem.

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Vincent Duvivier


Vincent CV illustration

Fascinated by the world of computers, I quickly became interested in the Web in my spare time, so it was a natural choice for me after High School. After graduating with a DUT in Computer Science, I decided to continue my studies at Poytech Lyon as a work-study student at IDCI-Consulting, where I am gaining experience day by day and deepening my skills and understanding of IT issues in business.

See the CV

Joris Viniere


Joris CV illustration

Spending a huge part of my youth on my computer, I naturally turned myself towards computing. At the beginning, I didn't really felt in my place, but the experience I gained during my intership and my work-linked training at IDCI allowed me to understand all the possibilities in this domain and gave me the wish to deepen my knowledges. The freedom of creation and the diversity of projects that we can achieve is one of the aspects that please me the most in development.

See the CV

Maeva Grondin


Maeva CV illustration

I learned web development by myself, and now, I'm professionalizing my skills. I choose to trend myself towards web development for its diversity of aspects and technology which bring its batch of discoveries and progresses. The problematics of ergonomy, accessibility and maintainabilty encourage me to always improve me and better design my code.

See the CV