Choose one of
Our courses
2 hours
- Internet != web
- HTTP protocol (RFC2616)
- Some PHP frameworks : CodeIgniter, FuelPHP, Zend, CakePHP, Symfony
- Why Symfony2 ?
A good environment and good practices
2 hours
- Which IDE ?
- Use a SCM (SVN, Git, etc.)
- Use a bug tracker (Trac, Mantis, Redmine, Github, etc.)
- Coding standards
Introduction to Design pattern
2 hours
- General presentation
- MVC in details
Structure applications with Symfony2
2 hours
- The notion of "application" => app/
- The notion of "bundles"
- My specific coding => src/
- Externals libraries => vendor/
- The root web => web/
Controller in Symfony2
4 hours
- Object Request
- Object Response
- Routing
- Annotations
Views (templating) with Symfony2
4 hours
- Twig
- Template inheritance
- Include views
- Restore views
- Twig filters
ORM and DBAL (Database Abstraction Layer)
4 hours
4 hours
- AbstractType
- Fields
- Validation
- "FormEvents"
Create a service
4 hours
- Dependency injection
- Service container
4 hours
- Autorisation
- Authentification
4 hours
- Units tests with PHPUnit
- Functionals tests
Go further
4 hours
- Use the configuration
- Create Symfony2 commands
- Use already existing bundles
- FOSUserBundle (Users management)
- DoctrineFixtures (Data import)
- Create reusable bundles
- The HTTP cache (ESI, Varnish, etc.)
2 hours
- Internet != WEB
- HTTP protocol (RFC2616)
- W3C: Using standards in web
A good environment and good practices
2 hours
- Which IDE?
- Use a SCM (SVN, Git, etc)
- Use bug tracker (Trac, Mantis, Redmine, Github, etc)
- Coding standars of WP
WP: a CMS, a community
4 hours
- What is a CMS ?
- Some CMSs
- Why choose WordPress as a CMS ?
- WordPress installation and configuration
- WordPress database
- The codex, WordPress bible
Using WP
4 hours
- Difference between article and page
- Create your first pages
- Integrate medias (images, videos, etc.) and manage them
- Create articles and classify them by categories
- Change theme
- Manage comments
- Manage users
- Available setups
WP: Create your own theme
4 hours
- WordPress theme, how does it works ?
- Create your theme : how ?
- Use the codex to customize your theme
WP: a CMS, some plugins
2 hours
- Find plugins
- Install plugins
- Create plugins
WP: advanced use
4 hours
- Use customized fields
- Optimize your blog for search engines
- Understand the permalinks notion
- Play with attachments
4 hours
- Definition
- History
- Object / class
- Declaration
- Fields
- Methods
- Object instantiation
- Object cloning
2 hours
- Builder, destroyer
- toString
- getters / setters
- Abstract method
- Static method
3 big concepts
2 hours
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
1 hour
Abstract class / Interface
1 hour
UML / Merise
2 hours
- Database
- Merise
- Comparison object world / relationnal world
Design patterns (DP)
1 hour
1 hour
- When use DP ?
- When NOT TO use DP ?
Some examples
2 hours
- Factory
- Observer
- Strategy
Dive into the MVC DP
2 hours
Dive into the dependency injection
2 hours
4 hours
- What is a SCM ?
- Why use one ?
Some useful commands
- commit
- (push)
- add
- remove
- revert / reset?
- update / pull
- status
Which SCM to choose ?
Bug Tracker
2 hours
- Definition
- Why use one ?
- Redmine / Mantis / GitHub
2 hours
- Web worflow
- W3C : standards value
HTML5 / CSS3 : why do we hear so much about them ?
2 hours
- Why do we use HTML and CSS ? How to use them ? What about HTML5/CSS3 ?
- Tags optimization to search engine (SEO)
- About the compatibility between browsers
- Future of HTML ?
Use HTML5 today
1 hour
- Learn when we have to use HTML5
- Using HTML5 with browsers which don't support it
HTML5 markup
3 hours
- Page structure : disappearance of the "inline" and "block" options
- HTML5 Doctype
- New elements : section, article, aside, nav, etc.
- A few more tags
- Date and time
- Deprecated elements : center, font, frame, acronym, etc.
Semantic web and HTML5
2 hours
- Semantic elements : give meaning to your contents
- Micro data
HTML5 forms
3 hours
- Form tag
- Create and use HTML5 forms
- Dates, emails, management, etc.
- HTML5 forms validation
- Auto focus
Panoramic views of JavaScript APIs for HTML5
3 hours
- Files management
- Offline website
- Drag & Drop
- Zoom on some APIs
Dive into the API audio and vidéo management with HTML5
4 hours
- Audio and video elements
- Containers
- Video and audio control with HTML5 API
- Support and formats (codecs WebM, MP4, H.264, MP3, AAC, etc.)
- Streaming
- Add subtitles to a HTML5 video
Dive into the API drawing with HTML5
4 hours
- Draw with JavaScript
- Canvas vs SVG
- Context
- Accessibility
Dive into the API communication with HTML5
4 hours
- Events
- Sending messages between documents
- Sending messages by channels
- The push server
- Presentation of node.js
- Web Workers to multitasking
Dive into the geolocalisation API with HTML5
2 hours
- Panoramic view
- Users private life
- Geolocate users on Google Maps
Dive into API storage with HTML5
2 hours
- API storage
- Local storage
- Session storage
- Difference between local / session storage
Dive into API storage with HTML5
2 hours
- Panoramic view : without images, avoid tricks
- CSS3 selectors
- Rounded corners
- Shadows
- Transparence
- Text effects
- Page layout and positioning
- Other novelties
CSS3 : page layout and positioning
3 hours
- Panoramic view : clarify the code, avoid interlocks multiplication
- Presentation level
- Page layout by pattern
- Page layout by multi-columns
- Page layout by horizontals and verticals boxes
- Positioning by grids
- Elements rotation
CSS3 : animation
2 hours
- Transformations (2D and 3D)
- Transitions