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GABRIEL BONDAZ Engineer / Teacher

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  • Age 40 years old
  • Email
  • Phone 06 63 23 12 07
  • Languages English mastered


Since Septembrer 2008

  • Created IDCI-Consulting | Co-manager & Research and Development Engineer
  • Teached at Lyon 1 University
  • Web courses : HTML, CSS, Js, PHP, Magento, Wordpress, PrestaShop
  • Teached as part of professionnal courses (APTA - Clermont Ferrand, ASP, Proximit, iCap, EITE, OPCADIA, etc)
  • Teached PHP, Symfony (1/2/3), POO, UML
  • Designed and developed professional websites with PHP (Symfony 1/2/3)
  • Setted up server infrastructure (Firewall, Reverse Proxy, DNS, dhcp, Web Server, Ftp Sever, Subversion, Database)
  • Managed technical staff and web development projects (Symfony1, Symfony2, Wordpress, Magento)

Since 2013

  • Web consultant for Tessi Marketing, Paris
    • Analysed and reworked the new Information System (DIGIFID project v2)
    • Managed technical staff (8 developers)
    • Setted up the stack DevOps
    • Web development PHP (Symfony 2.4/2.8)


  • Teached PHP & MySQL at Inseec Digital Institute, Lyon
  • Web consultant for Interforum, Paris


  • Developed a platform to manage pads for ENS, Lyon


  • Developed, counseled and trained teams on Symfony2 for MB Création
  • Teached at ENS, Lyon


  • Counseled and trained teams in the context of the website evolution Allopneus
    • Managed technical staff (6 developers)
    • Web development PHP (Symfony 2.0/2.1)


  • Managed the website reworking project for Moniteur
    • Managed technical staff (3 developers)
    • Web development PHP (Symfony 1.4)


  • Managed the website project for Ajilon
    • Managed technical staff (4 developers)
    • Web development PHP (Symfony 1.4)


  • Research and Teacher technician for Lyon 1 University
    • Setted up and configurated computer rooms multi operating systems (Windows/Linux
    • Implementated a computer asset management tool: FCPM (Free Computer Park Manager)
    • Developed plugins for the SPIRAL platform (an interactive and educational plateform)


  • Calcul center of IN2P3 | Internship of 16 weeks
    • Implementated a computer protocol for the transfer of medical images in DICOM format from an MRI to an SRB database
    • Project BIRNy renamed LyNDA (Lyon Neuroimaging Database & Applications)


  • Lagep Laboratory | Internship of 10 weeks
    • Redesigned the website ([] (
    • Implementated of the WEB server under Linux Debian, and creation of many tools for updating the website



  • Master MIAGE


  • Bachelor degree in Computer Science (New Application Architecture)


  • DUT Computer science


  • Server HTTP Apache, Nginx
  • Networks Dns (bind), Dhcp, Reverse proxy and load balancing (pound), Firewall (iptables), Http Server (Apache, lighttpd), FTP Server (vsFtp)
  • Cache and reverse proxy Varnish
  • Languages C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Html, xHtml, Html5, JavaScript, Sql, Pl/Sql, Prolog, Shell Script
  • Configuration Management Ansible, SaltStack
  • OS Ms Dos, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix
  • PHP framework Symfony 1/2/3, Silex, Laravel, Zend framework
  • Python framework Django, Pylons project
  • CSS framework Bootstrap, Foundation
  • Template engines Twig, Handlebars
  • CMS Drupal, WordPress, PrestaShop, Magento, DokuWiki
  • Versioning Git, Svn
  • Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, ElasticSearch
  • Virtualization Docker, Xen, OpenVZ, KVM
  • Project management Trac, Redmine, Mantis
  • AMQP Tools RabbitMQ
  • Modeling UML
  • Others Ajax, jQuery


2004 – 2005

  • Elected student on the board of Lyon 1 University and president of the 'Student Club' association

Juillet 2004 and 2005

  • Volunteer during the Solidays festival in Paris for AIDS


  • Fist-aid certificate (AFPS)